YouTube Comments: Do They Contribute To Your Visibility?

It’s easy to think of comments as a minor part of the popular video platform YouTube. Sure, these comments can be fun and may even help your YouTube videos get some clout. But are they really worth the YouTube trouble? Read on to learn whether YouTube comments actually contribute to your online visibility.

YouTube Comments Contribute Greatly To Your Success

Comments on YouTube can be a source of information about your video, feedback on your content, and encouragement for you as a creator. Before you get into how to make the most out of comments, you must know why these comments matter so much in the first place.

First, these comments offer an opportunity for viewers to interact with creators directly – which means that they’ll have more invested in what they’re watching (and thus more likely to tell others about it). Also, these comments help inform future content creation. If people love something about one piece of YouTube content, then why not create more like it?

YouTube Comments Are Great To Engage With Your Audience

Comments on YouTube are a great way to engage with your audience. By interacting with them, you can find out what they want to see and learn from them. You can also use comments as an opportunity to ask for feedback or ideas on new content or projects you might be working on.

Also, these comments are one of the best ways to grow your YouTube channel. That’s because they allow you to interact with people who may have never heard of you before.

How You Can Make Your YouTube Comments Count

First of all, use a friendly, approachable tone in the comments on YouTube. Don’t be overly formal–you want to come across as someone interested in the video and want to share their thoughts on it. If you’re too stiff or formal, it feels like you’re trying too hard to impress people with how smart or funny they think they are.

Other than that, you must not use all capital letters, which is considered shouting on the internet and thus rude and obnoxious behavior. Lastly, don’t use some profanities in your YouTube comments, unless absolutely necessary for comedic effect.

For example, if there’s something funny about cursing at someone else’s expense (which isn’t always appropriate either), you are free to do something messy in the comments. In general though, always keep cuss words out of your comments – unless absolutely necessary, because in the end, nobody likes reading them!